Chambers and Partners 2021 Rankings

23 November 2020

We are pleased to announce that a number of members of Chambers have been ranked in Chambers and Partners 2021. Please see below individual rankings and also the Chambers and Partners website – 187 Chambers, Crime, UK Bar | Chambers

Client Service

  • The clerks are “efficient and run a well-oiled set.” Senior clerk John Pyne is praised for his smooth running of affairs.

Andrew Trollope QC

  • CRIME – Silks – Band 5
  • Strengths: “An exceptional cross-examiner with decades of experience under his belt, who has a full understanding of the way the law has developed over the years.”

Richard Christie QC

  • CRIME – Silks – Band 3
  • Strengths: “Relentless and doesn’t let anything push him off course even if things aren’t going his way.”

Simon Mayo QC

  • CRIME – Silks – Band 2
  • A highly regarded silk with capabilities as both prosecution and defence counsel. He handles the most grave and complex cases, including multi-handed murders, robberies and sexual offences. Mayo is also commended for his additional expertise in serious financial crime matters.
  • Strengths: “Offers high-level strategic and tactical advice.” “He has an eye for detail, and his preparation of a case is second to none. It also helps that he has amazing IT skills.”
  • Recent work: Prosecuted a baby-shaking case in which the defendant was accused of murdering his eight week old son. This matter involved a significant volume of complex expert medical evidence.

Nicholas Rhodes QC

  • CRIME – Silks – Band 5
  • Strengths: “Very charming and persuasive in front of a jury.”

Jason Bartfeld QC

  • CRIME – Silks – Band 6
  • Strengths: “A confident advocate who effectively drives the case forward. He is very tenacious.”

Gideon Cammerman QC

Mozammel Hossain QC

  • CRIME – Silks – Band 6
  • Routinely defends drugs, murder and gang-related cases, some of which involve multiple defendants.
  • Strengths: “A fierce fighter and a hard cross-examiner.”
  • Recent work: Represented a defendant in a drugs-related attempted murder by shooting case. The murder occurred in the wider context of a dispute between rival gangs.

Matthew Bagnall

  • CRIME – Junior – Band 6
  • Strengths: “An impressive advocate with a keen eye for the minutiae of a case, who is very tech-savvy, so good for cases with reams of information.”

Henry Hughes

Rebecca Lee

  • CRIME – Junior – Band 6
  • Strengths: “Comprehensive and conscientious, she prepares well and gets on top of matters quickly.”

Greg Unwin

  • CRIME – Junior – Band 6
  • Strengths: “Professional and diligent,” “he is incredibly bright and dedicated.”